Wednesday, June 6, 2007

0004 - Big Boy Ain't What It Used To Be

This is a sweet picture of Voltron I drew when I was a kid. I remember watching it when it came out, when I was four or five years old, so I'm assuming that's around the time I made this excellent homage to one of my favorite shows. I just wish I still had the toys.


Swellzombie said...

thanks for the thanks.
I'm glad that you're even putting stuff like this up here. It's great. Do whatever comes to mind. I should be practicing what I preach and put more up on my personal blog. I guess doing a comic a day is good enough for now.
Anyway, the artwork. I don't think it looks like Voltron. It looks more like one of the creatures that would fight him. The spikes and the sarcophogus for the chest sort of makes me think you were drawing a "baddie" for Voltron to fight. What the fuck do I know about a kids drawing that the grown up kid wouldn't know.

Levi Jacob Bailey said...

Ah! Those aren't spikes! I think I was trying to do, like, electricity bolts or something, like when he hold his sword up? Like, that red blob in the upper right is a planet or something, or that point of light in the opening credits? But, yeah, I don't think those are spikes. Electricity, man. Electricity. It's too early for me to be thinking about this.